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Project Papariko

Mangrove restoration in Kenya

Wetlands Peatlands & Coastal ecosystems In operation

Start year of operations


First credit issuance


Partnership with

Although mangrove are one of the richest ecosystems in the world, it is also among the planet's most vulnerable habitats. The Papariko project has been designed to bring a direct and effective answer to mangrove degradation on the South coast of Kenya.

Mangroves have a unique place in the plant world, providing shelter and resources for animals and people. They are also formidable carbon sinks, sequestering 10 times as much carbon as other forests thanks to their extensive root networks. Yet, mangroves are among the world’s most vulnerable habitats. Kenya has lost half of its mangrove forests in the past 50 years due to overexploitation by locals using timber for fuel, construction materials, medicine and overfishing in the areas. The Papariko project will bring a direct answer to the issue, using a community-based model to provide skills and jobs for the local communities that depend on mangroves for their livelihoods. 50% of the carbon credits revenue will return to local communities for the project's upkeep and to finance community projects through a dedicated Livelihood Fund. Community-based Organizations (CBOs) will decide on the usage of funds, investing in projects such as health dispensaries, education facilities, scholarships or water infrastructures.

Sustainable Development Goals

Women represent >50% of the job opportunities’ beneficiaries
Enhanced and preserved habitats for fishes, marine life, turtles, coastal bird species and coral reefs
Creation of jobs for 220+ people on 30 years, backed up by technical training to educate and upskill communities
Removal of 186,000 tons of CO2e over 30 years
Improved quality of soils for agriculture, of water and air thanks to mangrove roots that act as a filtration system