Act with urgency on climate change and biodiversity loss crisis.

We have to offset residual unavoidable emissions

Nature is both a source of greenhouse gases emissions and a large and very important carbon sink. NbS provide significant mitigation potential and could contribute to 10 to 25% of the mitigation effort by 2050. Therefore any credible trajectory should target emissions reductions of at least 75 to 90% before any compensation through NbS carbon credits.
While carbon removals are tangible solutions to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere in time, immediate actions should focus on avoidance.
hummingbirds will endeavour to develop high-quality REDD+ projects with verified baselines and genuine emissions reductions placing wildlife and communities at the center.
hummingbirds supports "The Forest Plan" icon: Everland’s response to the urgent call, presented at COP26, to end deforestation in the next decade.
REDD+ is a framework created by the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) to guide activities in the forest sector that Reduces Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, as well as the sustainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries.

We design NbS projects with a holistic approach.

In the recent years, thanks to massive international collaboration and scientific research, the world has become aware of the disbalanced carbon cycle coming from human activities, resulting in increasing levels of green house gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, responsible for climate change.
Beyond carbon, there are many aspects of the planet equation that must absolutely be adressed in our projects to provide fair and resilient solutions for the living. That's why we have a very strong focus on our projects impacts and co-benefits that lay below the symbolic iceberg.

Our perspective

Our targeted impact by 2025



  • Measurable benefits for Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLC): improved livelihoods for 1 million people
  • Gender focus to support women empowerment


  • 50 Mtons of emissions reductions accross our portfolio
  • 1 million hectares sustainably managed


  • Measurable impact on threatened wildlife: sustainably managed habitat for >300 threatened species (IUCN red list)
  • Monitoring of multiple other co-benefits
Photo David Maviet
©Daniel Maviet
We are diligently preparing our company to be certified B Corp.
We believe B-Corp sets very high standards if not the highest for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Be the change !

The tale of the hummingbird
The story of the hummingbird is about this huge forest being consumed by a fire. All the animals in the forest come out, are transfixed as they watch the forest burning and feel very overwhelmed, powerless, except this little hummingbird. It says, ‘I’m going to do something about the fire!’ So it flies to the nearest stream and takes a drop of water. It puts it on the fire, and goes up and down, up and down, up and down, as fast as it can.
In the meantime, all the other animals, much bigger animals like the elephant with a big trunk that could bring much more water, are standing there helpless. And they ask the little hummingbird, ‘What do you think you can do? You are too little. This fire is too big. Your wings are too little, and your beak is so small that you can only bring a small drop of water at a time.’
But as they continue to discourage it, it turns to them without wasting any time and it tells them, ‘I am doing my part.’

We should always be like a hummingbird. You might think you are insignificant, but you certainly don’t want to be like the animals watching the planet going down the drain. Let’s all do our part!
Origin of the tale is debated, but it became known notably thanks to Kenyan environmental activist, women’s rights advocate, and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai and French writer, farmer, and environmentalist Pierre Rabhi.