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Project Folia

Reforestation and afforestation in France

Forests & forestry Under development

Start year of operations


First credit issuance


Partnership with

The face of France's forests is set to change radically over the coming years: its decline has already begun, and action is needed to prevent a general dieback. hummingbirds has partnered with Fransylva Services to finance an entire afforestation/reforestation operation on 5 forest plots owned by members of the Fransylva's network, encompassing a total of 100 ha.

The Folia Project is made up of 5 differents plots, with 1/3 of reconstitution of degraded forests and 2/3 of afforestation of wastelands and farmlands. Each selected plot will be planted according to a specific technical itinerary with adapted species, using a mix of at least 2 species adapted to climate change. Among others, sessile oak, wild cherry and maritime pine will be planted, each of them being supported by complementary tree species. The plantations will be operated after soils have been prepared, and wooded edges will be maintained over the process. Should a plot include a wetland, the latter will be considered in the plantation's plan and species' selection. The Folia Project has a strong focus on the creation of local socio-economic value, promoting local wood processing and targeting the PEFC certification for each of the 5 sub-projects.

Sustainable Development Goals

Jobs creation and reinforcement of the local wood value chain
Sustainable use of forest materials guaranteed by the PEFC certification
Removal of 20 000 tCO2e over 30 years
Restoration of degraded forests thanks to the plantation of suitable mixes of species