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Project Caju Bori

Development of agroforestry systems in Benin

Start year of operations


First credit issuance


Partnership with

Caju Bori project - hummingbirds

Project Cajù Bori aims at implementing agroforestry systems in degraded lands in the central part of Benin. The project will focus on strengthening high-end commodities value chains and on training and capacity building of the smallholder farmers.

The project aims at turning subsistence farming and conventional cocoa and cashew plantations into high-quality agroforestry. Combining fertilitary trees with commercial commodities, the project aims at increasing food security and ensures a diversification of income revenues. Besides, farmers will benefit from training and capacity building to become technical advisors on agroforestry. Finally, biodiversity will be enhanced by favouring native species and sustainable practices.

Sustainable Development Goals

Up to 5,000 households adopting agroforestry practices
Creation of 20 full-time equivalent jobs
More than 1 million tons of CO2e removed over 30 years
10,000 ha sustainably managed